Cladseal EXT is an elastomeric waterproofing strip based on the vulcanized EPDM polymer with a low coefficient of permeability. The product is desi...
Cladseal INT is an elastomeric waterproofing strip based on the rubber polymer EPDM with an intermediate water vapour transmission factor. The prod...
Cladseal INT+ is an elastomeric waterproofing strip based on the rubber polymer EPDM with an intermediate water vapour transmission ...
Cladseal P-Fix is an elastomeric waterproofing strip based on the rubber polymer EPDM with a low water vapour transmission factor and has along one...
Cladseal SA is a self adhesive waterproofing strip based on the rubber polymer EPDM. The product consists of a 1.0 mm thick scrim-reinforced EPDM m...
Cladseal SA-Fix is an elastomeric waterproofing strip based on the rubber polymer EPDM with a low water vapour transmission factor and is partly co...