Manoguard 108
One component liquid composition based on methyl methacrylate and specially selected organic solvents, providing a stable, durable, glossy coating for concrete and masonry. Apply by roller or spray method. Structures are resistant to the effects of pollutants from air, alkaline substances and ultraviolet rays.
Bucket 25 l, barrel 200 l
Use directions
- Processing of concrete surfaces to create a beautiful decorative finish, improve wear resistance, protect against the action of salts (sulfates, chlorides and nitrates).
- Protection of brick facades and decorative ceramics
- Protection of stainless steel and aluminum structures from the effects of mortar, plaster and residual products arising during construction
- The material forms a water-repellent film that does not change under the influence of water and protects the surface from the effects of freeze-thaw cycles;
- Prevents formation of surface lime and deposition of pollutants;
- Does not yellow, preserves and improves the natural tone of the surface;
- Reduces the cost of repair work and ensures better preservation of the treated surface;
- Resistant to UV rays, inert to most common acids, alkalis, solvents, bitumen, lubricants and oils;
- Provides high adhesion
- Seals cracks
- Creates a transparent protective coating, preventing the corrosion of concrete